From Shantou University
Best in Show Team Shadow
Sinclair Hill Climb Team Shadow 9.68 sec
Sculpture Garden Flats Team Shift 19.31 sec
Ashtray Alley Drag Team Team Shadow 3.88 sec (New US Record)
Eckles Design Award Team Arrowmax
Sinclair Hill climb Double Aughts 10.68 sec
Sculpture Garden Flats Honda-E 18.50 sec (New Pro Record)
Ashtray Alley Drag Double Aughts 4.73sec
Honda “Design Synergy Award” Team Arrowmax (Shantou University)
Lego “Speed Champions”Award” TeamTrash Panda (ArtCenter College of Design)
Gensler “Innovation Award” Team Raceme (ArtCenter College of Design)
Huami Amazefit “Move Beautifully” $1000 Award Team Arrowmax (Shantou University)
“Best in Show” Team Shadow (Inner Mongolia University of Technology)
Eckles Design Award Team Arrowmax (Shantou University)
“Best in Show” Team Shadow (Inner Mongolia University of Technology)
“Sinclair Hill Climb” Team Shadow (Inner Mongolia University of Technology)
“Sculpture Garden Flats” Team Shift (Product Design, ArtCenter College of Design)
“Ashtray Alley Drag” Team Shadow (Inner Mongolia University of Technology)
“Eckles Design Award” Team Arrowmax (Shantou University)
2018, 20 teams competed from ArtCenter, Pasadena City College, Universities in China, and Honda. The students are also required to partner with a local charity for a collaborative project. The teams will compete for $5,000 in prizes, with half donated to their selected charities!
The Formula E (elastic) challenge 2018 sponsors: Y & L Fund, HUAMI Corporation, Mattel, Hotwheel